Immerse yourself in The Adventures of Charlie Pierce, an award-winning children's book series that brings Florida's frontier jungles to life! Follow young Charlie as he faces wild animals, survives hurricanes, and discovers Spanish treasure. These captivating tales, based on actual diaries, inspire resilience, curiosity, and a love for history and nature. Perfect for young readers seeking adventure, this series fosters imagination, family values, and life lessons.

Join Charlie on his unforgettable journeys and explore the legacy of Florida's early settlers. Get your copies here today!

  • A compelling picture of Florida’s magnificent natural history during the time of the early pioneers.

    Evan M. Hirsche, President, National Wildlife Refuge Association

  • Harvey Oyer’s books prove that kids don’t need a magic wand to enter a magical place. A great read that will get kids thinking.

    James G. Cusick, President, Florida Historical Society

  • We’re a homeschooling family from Florida and the entire series of Charlie Pierce books have been such a blessing.

    Verified Amazon Customer

  • Huckleberry Finn meets the Hardy Boys in Florida. This story is fun, mysterious, and exciting.

    Amazon customer

  • Harvey Oyer... reminds us how blessed we are to have this rich environmental treasure passed down to us as well as the responsibility we bear in preserving it.

    Bob Graham, former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator

  • Oyer does an excellent job weaving a lot of factual information into a thrilling fictional story that will appeal to readers of all ages.

    National Home School Book Review

  • President's Book Award Winner

    The American Jungle (2010)
    The Last Egret (2011)
    The Last Calusa (2013)

  • Mom's Choice Award

    Silver Medal (The Last Egret, 2010)

  • Florida Book Awards

    Bronze Medal - Children’s Literature (The Last Egret, 2010)

  • Florida Department of Education

    The Last Egret selected to the 3rd-5th Grade Back to School reading list (2020) by Commissioner Richard Corcoran

  • Florida Historical Society

    James J. Horgan Award for:

    The Last Egret (2011)
    The Last Calusa